Our Full Service Payroll is brought to you by Intuit ® and may include any or all of the following services. Logical Ledger is an IRS Registered Agent, able to file your federal quarterly forms for you. We specialize in single owner S-Corps and other small businesses and work with your CPA to reach target salary and retirement plan maximums. Partner with Logical Ledger Payroll for all the benefits, and none of the headaches, that come with payroll clearing houses. Have your payroll seamlessly integrate with your QuickBooks keeping you up to date.

Payroll Service Benefits for Employers
- New Hire Forms
- New Hire Reporting
- Time Card Solutions
- QuickBooks Time®
- Online Entry
- Accurate Paycheck Calculations
- Employee Additions
- Advances
- Commissions
- Reimbursements
- Retirement Matching
- Employee Deductions
- Benefits
- Child Support
- Garnishments
- Retirement Contributions
- Paid Time Off Tracking
- Worker’s Compensation Code Tracking
- Paystub Generation
- Payments
- Tax Liability Payments
- Child Support Payments
- Garnishment Payments
- Benefit Payments
- Retirement Plan Payments
- Quarterly Filings
- IRS Registered Agent for 941/940 E-Filing
- State Withholding
- State Unemployment
- Yearend Processing
- Bonus Checks
- W2
- 1099
- Retirement Plan Accuracy
Payroll Service Benefits for Employees
- Direct Deposit
- Online Access
- Paycheck
- W2